61 year old Lorna McEwan lives in Saskatchewan, Canada where she is the oldest person living with cystic fibrosis. She’s a well known advocate, working to help CF families. She lost two brothers to the disease and her son. How can she even get out of bed in the morning? Is that what you’re thinking? Well wait until you meet her in this podcast! She will inspire you, and lift you up. She’s an incredible woman sharing her journey with us in the Mums to Moms podcast(Beth Vanstone, Laura Bonnell and Patti Tweed). It’s all about empowerment!
For more information on The Bonnell Foundation find us at https://thebonnellfoundation.org/
Vertex Pharma – the science of possibility. https://www.vrtx.com
Sponsored by https://www.fordfund.org/globalcaringmonth
To reach Lorna McEwan: https://www.facebook.com/lorna.l.mcewan
The original music in this podcast is performed by Marc Cotterell, who happens to have Cystic Fibrosis. You can find him on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/m4rccotterill/
Or here on twitter: https://twitter.com/MarcCotterill
Or on YouTube here: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCxPDZTZt3hBuyomkxLFttNw/videos/upload?filter=%5B%5D&sort=%7B%22columnType%22%3A%22date%22%2C%22sortOrder%22%3A%22DESCENDING%22%7D
This podcast was produced by JAG in Detroit Podcasts. https://jagindetroit.com/