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Remembering Matt McCloskey of Take a Breather

Shortly after we did this podcast Matt died from complications of cystic fibrosis. With permission from his sisters, and dear friend Jennifer Bleecher (featured in this podcast) we are now airing this podcast to shine a light about what a great man Matt was. He speaks...

Cambrey Vasconez White – rare mutations

Cambrey Vasconez White is the mother of toddler Rowland, who has Cystic Fibrosis. If you listened to our podcast with Vicky Maldonado, they have similar struggles. Cambrey is also working to find an equitable approach to rare mutations in the U.S. and Canada. These...

Dr. Bhanu Jena, another CF modulator on the horizon?

A new CF modulator could be on the horizon. Professor Dr. Bhanu Jena is exciting to tell us all about it. Dr. Jena was born in a small town in Odisha, India. He got his love for science and medicine from his father and grandfather. He majored in Chemistry, Zoology,...