Gunna Esiason is 30 years old and is living with cystic fibrosis. He inspires his peers in the CF community every single day. If you have seen Gunnar’s blog, follow him on twitter, listened to his podcasts or have read any of his articles in the paper you know he gets straight to the point. Gunnar uses his celebrity to educate and raise awareness about CF. Gunnar is the son of NFL great, Boomer Esiason, and now has a son of his own. He hasn’t slowed down at all. He is getting his second masters degree in public health while helping his wife Darcy care for their newborn son, Kasper. I am excited for you to hear about how he’s doing as he talked to use from his home in New Hampshire.
The Boomer Esiason Foundation Website:
Gunnar’s Website:
For more information on The Bonnell Foundation find us at
Vertex Pharma – the science of possibility.
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The original music in this podcast is performed by Kevin Allan, who happens to have Cystic Fibrosis. You can find him on Facebook here:
This podcast was produced by JAG in Detroit Podcasts.