I am so proud to bring you our CF partners from around the Country, (Siri Vaeth, CFRI, Inc., Lee Becker and Jerry Cahill, Boomer Esiason Foundation, Brian Callanan, CFLF and Emily Schaller, Rock CF Foundation) we do our individual work with our respective CF Foundations and come together as part of the CF Engagement Network (CFEN). CFEN focuses on issues that impact our entire CF communities. Our thanks to Ryan Gough for getting us together. We had candid conversations in this podcast. It is from the perspective of three people with CF (Emily Schaller; 38 years old, Brian Callanan;44 years old; and Jerry Cahill, 63 years old) along with two CF Moms (myself and Siri) and Lee Becker, Boomer Esiasons’ best friend, CF advocate and partner in the Boomer Esiason Foundation. He is the glue and reality check of our group. Siri comes to us from California, Lee and Jerry from their respective homes in NYC, Brian from Florida, Emily and Laura from Detroit. The one person who couldn’t be on this podcast is the “smartest one among us” said Callanan — Emily Kramer Golinkoff founder of Emily’s Entourage.