The Bonnell Foundation (BF) is grateful to the Delta Dental Foundation for awarding us with grants that allowed us to help two CF patients with much needed dental care. The BF became more aware of the need for dental work in CF patients as we began getting more and more requests throughout the pandemic. Jackie’s teeth were discolored or weakened by the strong inhaled medications she took over the years. Jackie’s (a transplant recipient) teeth became fraile, cracked and she needed dentures so she could smile again, and more importantly: eat. Jennifer needed a lot of dental work too. As a single Mom with cystic fibrosis, she was a nurse and worked a second job. There were times they had to stop paying the electric bill and only had cold water for showers because they chose food and paying for medication instead. The idea that she could even afford the dental work she needed to keep herself healthy wasn’t even a possibility, but thanks to the Delta Dental Foundation grant we were able to give her, she now has a healthy mouth!
The Bonnell Foundation has realized (and is hoping to do more research through grant possibilities), about meeting the dental needs of patients with cystic fibrosis. Thanks @ddfGivesback