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The Armstrong Family

When you meet Kathleen and Tom Armstrong, you want to get to know them better. They’re both full of energy and doing whatever it takes to keep their 11-year-old son Michael healthy and strong. When Kathleen was pregnant with her youngest son, Michael, she saw problems...

The Bonnell Girls Advocate For CF

The Bonnell girls met with Rep. Gary Peters in August 2010. He joins the CF caucus. Rep. Peters helped pass the Clinical Trials Bill into law. The girls are pictured with U.S. Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow, who passed the bill too. A huge thank you.

Molly & Emily: Living Life

Molly and Emily are courageous. No one knows what they go through to stay healthy. Even I can’t tell you exactly what they’re thinking or feeling, only they can do that. But what I see in them is a will to live, a fight to stay healthy and determination not to let...

Crusading for Connor

Connor’s Crusaders is our Great Strides Walk team. Last night while driving to Ann Arbor, Connor asked me if it is easier taking care of him now than when he was a baby. (This question along with several others about whether or not his children will have CF, etc). Of...